Sunday, April 07, 2013


"I'd reached that point that comes in the life of most anxiety sufferers when, fed up by the constant waking torture, dejected and buckled but not yet crushed, they at last turn to their anxiety, to themselves, and say, "Listen here: Fuck you. Fuck you! I am sick and fucking tired of this bullshit. I refuse to let you win. I am not going to take it anymore. Your are ruining my fucking life and you MUST FUCKING DIE!

Unfortunately, this approach rarely solves the problem. Anxiety doesn't bend to absolutism. You have to take a subtler, more reasoned approach. But that doesn't mean anger is totally unhelpful. Being pissed off is a strong cocktail for the will... Anger breeds defiance, and defiance is inspiriting."

Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety
by Daniel Smith
page 169, second and third paragraphs
hardcover edition published by Simon & Schuster, 2012

"On a trip to New York... I met a girl, and the immediate and mutual attraction between us went a long way toward quieting my mind. It redirected my attention from myself to someone else, from my hatred of my nature to my affection for someone else's, from despair and demoralization to excitement and anticipation. Of course, feeling soothed by love turned out to be as temporary and full of folly as feeling soothed by authority turned out to be... No one can do the work but yourself. But both were nice while they lasted."

Monkey Mind: A Memoir of Anxiety
by Daniel Smith
page 173, second paragraph
hardcover edition published by Simon & Schuster, 2012

Personal note: I think this is one of the more dangerous traps I allow myself to fall into. No matter how clear it is that the train is coming, damned if you don't feel sure you can stop it dead in its tracks this time.


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