Saturday, December 25, 2010

building better bridges:

it's been a very good christmas weekend trip home.
with unexpected firsts and traditions continued.

i guess it's been the kind of time that makes me think about things. about things that i maybe don't specifically think about often enough, even if it's things i feel all the time. things i don't say enough. things i feel weird saying to people. and that i release here on this blog where i can pretend no one reads them.

so, everyone, know that i am infinitely grateful for my family and friends. you make my otherwise unextraordinary life well worth living. i love watching you do great things. and being great people. and being wholly yourselves. and you are all of those things. whether or not you can see it for yourself. thank you for letting me see.

"our hearts are abridged / let's build bridges to each other"


At 10:29 PM, Blogger heather said...

I heart you.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

put more blogsss !

At 11:46 PM, Blogger adam said...

anonymous, hopefully these three ridiculous posts will hold you over.

and, heather, me too.

At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

their not ridiculous i enjoy them and enjoy them even more when im buzzed ... but yep they held me quite good thanks buddy


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