Friday, June 18, 2010

i need to figure out a way to make myself enjoy failure.
i think that would change a lot of things.

on an unrelated topic, i listened to sage francis and saul williams all day at work today. so good. such unique voices. it makes me worry that i don't really have anything to say. and i don't mean just in rap lyrics but in pretty much everything. art, regular conversation, whatever. i don't want to be lukewarm. but i seem to be afraid of being cold and hot as well.

but, after a good text talk with a friend i am trying to adjust the way i approach things. i need to embrace the things that make me scared and nervous. if i'm afraid to fail at those things then that means i care enough to pursue them. or something. this all always makes a lot of sense in the middle of the night while writing on the blog or staring at the ceiling trying to stumble into sleep. it tends to lose it's clarity in the light of day.

i think i'm rambling now. so i'll stop.
half asleep posting probably isn't a good idea, huh?

"i'm a slow man lookin' for a slow woman that wants to slow dance / i'm a slow man lookin' for a slow woman who don't care that i'm old lookin'/ .... / and i'm a bad, bad man. my dance so slow it appears to be my last stand / and i'm a bad, bad man. i'ma dance so slow it looks like a photo"


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