Sunday, November 13, 2011

i think more of my sundays should be like this.

i lazed about in bed til 3.
showered and got dressed.
then started cooking dinner at 4.
i made lasagna.
and garlic bread.
and asparagus.
and broccoli.
and there were grapes too.
ate with some friends.
and my wonderful housemates chance and alchi.
and alchi's parents.
played some super nintendo.
heather and jesse came over with pie and crusters.
thanksgiving scheming was done.
jovial conversations were had.
pie was eaten.
played some more super nintendo.
rap life scheming was done.
worked with chance on a beat for my album.
still doing that right now.
it's a wonder watching him work.

here's a little exclusive for my blog reading faithful.
my e.p. will be titled do yourself in.
and it will be released on february 4.
clear your calendar.
i expect to see you there.
(if you live within a 60 mile radius)
(and if you don't but you still wanna come that would be incredible)

this is probably the most normal blog like entry on this blog ever.
i think (especially in lieu of the recent posts) i just wanted to make the point that while life is on (many) occasion(s) difficult,
it is also

i am happy
right now.

i hope you are too.


At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This news about your e.p album is so exciting . I wish you luck and magic on this show , may it be a night to remember , I am also glad that you are happy .


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