Monday, March 30, 2009

employee spotlight:

so, i have been chosen as the employee spotlight at work for april. while trying to answer the spotlight questions i came to realize that i am not nearly clever enough/care enough to make it cool. so, instead they get this (along with various photos of me):

Tell us about you: (e.g. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? etc.)

I was born August 3, 1982 in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb north of Chicago. One of my earliest memories is finding my lost He-Man toy at the age of 3 when my family moved to Highland Park, a different northern suburb of Chicago, where I have lived a majority of my life. I have 3 older brothers (2 married, 1 with kids) and a younger sister (who is married), with whom I grew up loving cartoons, puppets, the Chicago Cubs, 80s synth pop, comics, role-playing games, reading, drawing and other nerdy things. Some of these loves have lasted, while some have fallen by the wayside. I graduated high school in 2000 and have attended college off and on since then; probably more off than on. I moved to Provo in the summer of 2002 and have been slowly figuring out what to do with myself since.

Interests: (What’s your favorite book? Favorite movie? Favorite song? Hobbies?)

I love music and art.
I probably spend at least 90% of any given day listening to music, whether it be in the background or as my sole focus. My favorite genres would be underground/indie hip-hop (like Atmosphere, El-P, Aesop Rock, P.O.S., etc.) and electronic/dance rock/pop (like LCD Soundsystem, Erasure, Depeche Mode, the Rapture, the Faint, etc.) but I also thoroughly enjoy lots of other kinds of music. Unfortunately, I am not very musically talented, so my love is much more in the appreciation vein than the creation one. I have drawn pictures for as long as I can remember, minus a short period of time during junior high when I gave it up because I was jealous of my brother's talent and felt I would never be as good as him. I currently like to design show posters for local bands (especially those that have Scott Shepard as a member). I would like to some day become more involved in graphic design/illustration work.
I also like reading and movies and all those other pop culture things that most people enjoy. Some of my favorite books are Falling Man by Don Delillo, Blankets by Craig Thompson, Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman, and Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem. As for movies, some of my favorites are The Seventh Seal, Network, Donnie Darko, The Big Lebowski, and All the Real Girls.

What’s the most exciting thing that has happened to you?

Once I defeated a grizzly bear in a one-on-one, barehanded wrestling match. After I woke up from having that exciting dream I walked to work.
I'm not sure anything all that exciting ever happens to me. Probably the most exciting thing would be when I performed with one of my friend's bands at a Spring Fling event at BYU. There were a lot of people there. It was pretty cool (and I totally got the biggest cheer).

What would surprise us most to know about you?

I am actually a small mouse housed inside a giant human shaped robot. Also, I have no problem telling obvious lies.

What many people find surprising, and is actually true, is that I can rap. I am a rapper. This is the sole musical talent I have. I also can DJ a little bit. For some reason, this is generally considered an unexpected fact about me.


At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love you.


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